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What Happens When we Come Together?

If you have been watching the news at all this past month you would know about the soccer team trapped in a cave or more recently the Vet who lost his service dog when his car was stolen. Although, these two stories are very different from each other they do share one thing in common, strangers coming together for a something bigger than themselves. In Thailand it took more than just the Thailand Navy Seals to save the boys as many international divers and volunteers came to support the families that where involved in the horrible event. There was at least six countries represented amongst the divers according to the Washington Post. A task that was deemed impossible by many became possible because the world came together to save these people.

This is how the veteran is similar. After his car being stole, along with his dog, he reported the incident to police. Thankfully it did not take long for the vehicle to be found but with no dog in it. This is when the community of Indiana came together. The Indianapolis Police Department posted on twitter that they needed help finding the dog. That post was made on July 17th and on July 18th they posted a video of the veteran and his dog being reunited.

So my question to you is what can you do to make stories like these happen more often? Does it mean that you need to sit and wait for something bad to happen to get involved? No, of course not. Look around you. There are so many opportunities to get involved. If you have to chance to go donate blood, go. If you have some extra food in your pantry, donate it. What is something you can do it influence someone else? Life is too short to wait for someone to invite you to do good, it is our responsibility to the community around us to get involved and to help others. So how are you going to start a Butterfly Effect in you community?

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